Norsk A1

The course is suitable for those with basic knowledge of the Norwegian language and for those who have completed Norwegian level A1 course.  

Our Norwegian courses will prepare you to take the Norwegian language test. 





Kurs eller konferanse


4 380,–

Course will be held

Digital undervisning

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Beginners level is suitable for those seeking a thorough yet practical introduction to the Norwegian language and who have little or no prior experience. 

There are no prerequisities required.

The Norwegian course for beginners seek to give you a thorough and practical introduction to the language. We will speak Norwegian to each other actively the way you would do it in practical situations from everyday life.

Increased ability to:

  • describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and plans

  • understand the main meaning in daily spoken as well as written Norwegian language about familiar topics at work, school or social life

  • write simple, coherent texts on topics relating to everyday life

  • discuss familiar topics and argue your opinions

  • express yourself in unfamiliar, or even difficult, situations

The course consists of group work, listening exercises, role play, oral exercises and conversations, presentations and homework.  The course will prepare you for the Norwegian level A1/A2 test.

The teaching is carried out in a virtual classroom with a teacher present. You will follow the course from your own computer, in your own home. You will get access to the classroom well in advance of the course.

There is no exam, but you will receive a course certificate if you participate in 75 % of the course or more.

Course fees are paid by the individual or by agreement with the company you work for.

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