Terms and conditions of the course

Before you register for the course, you should read the terms and conditions of the course. This outlines the rules that you and AOF will follow so that you will get the most out of the course.

Accepting a place in the course

This course contract applies to all courses, course packages, education and studies with a fee. The term participant is used in this contract as a common term for course participants, students, and apprentices.

A participant must confirm that they have read the terms and conditions of the course contract which means that the participant accepts the offer of the course place from AOF, and that the participant has understood and accepted the contents of the course contract.

This contract is a supplement to the terms and conditions found under each individual course on, which combined constitute a binding agreement between AOF and the participant.

The participant has the responsibility to determine if the course provides the correct competency and if an exam is required for the relevant course/study.

Electronic communication – Personal information

With the application and accepting of this contract with AOF, the participant agrees to that AOF will process the application and other information and conduct a credit evaluation if necessary. As a participant in a course over an extended period of time, the participant accepts the use of AOF’s course platform, which is an important communication channel. All communication will routinely be conducted over e-mail and SMS. At a minimum, a participant has a duty to check e-mail and MIN SIDE in the course platform once a week. The participant has a duty to make certain that the contact information registered with AOF is correct and updated.

AOF will not provide any third parties with participant information, unless the participant has approved this or there is another legal reason for doing so. The participant has the right to view this information and the legal right to demand correction of incorrect or incomplete information, in accordance with the Personal Information Law §§ 18 og 27.


When offered a course place, participants are given a limited, individual and non-exclusive study right to the course that follows from their order.

The right to study is generally limited to the course participant’s personal and individual use of the course and the accompanying material. Unauthorized use or indirect use, for example:  giving a third-party unauthorized access, accessing a course outside of the intended use of the course, copying parts of the course and materials for the use of others, and sending of the course materials and contents to an unauthorized user, is not allowed.

Cancelling, retracting of application, leave or asking for an extension of the course

If the course application has been submitted via AOF’s website, the participant can cancel their application (angrerettloven paragraph 20) with 14 days from the acceptance of the course contract by submitting a written withdrawal of the application to AOF. The course contract right of withdrawal/refusal also applies to those participants who do not have the legal right under the relevant law.

For those courses which take place over 2 semesters or more: With the signing of the contract 2 months or earlier from the course start date, the participant has the right to cancel 30 days prior to the start of the course.

If the participant asserts their legitimate right to withdraw from the course after it has started, the participant must pay a fee determined by how much of the course that they have had the opportunity to attend. It is the participant’s responsibility to understand the terms and conditions and the appropriated deadlines. When notice of withdrawal is given at the deadline has passed, the participant is bound to pay the cost of the course according to the following requirements:

1. For a course of less than 6 months: The course cost must be paid in full.

2. For a course of more than 6 months:

a) With withdrawal before the course starts, the participant must pay 50% of the course fee.

b) With withdrawal within 30 days of the course start date, the participant must pay 75% of the course fee

c) With withdrawal after 30 days after the course start date, the participant must pay the entire course fee.

With significant change in the time or the location of the course, the participant has the right to withdraw from the course within 7 days of when the change is received.

Under special circumstances the participant can apply for withdrawal, leave or delay of the course placement outside of the deadlines. In the case of special circumstances, for example, serious illness or death in the family, the participant can withdraw from the course and receive a refund of the course cost for the remainder of the course. The refund is calculated from the date the application of withdrawal is received by AOF.

An application of withdrawal from the course must document and happen without undue delay. All applications are evaluated by AOF.

Changes and cancellation

AOF reserves the right to change the educational program, time and place for the course, teachers, etc. AOF can also cancel the education and the course if, at the date of the course start, there are not enough participants for the course to be completed.

Breach of contract

If one of the parties fails to uphold their duties in this contract, the other party has the right to make claims against the other party. Breach of contract on the part of the participant does not mean that his obligation to pay the course fee or other obligations ceases. This also applies to breaches of contract that lead to withdrawal or loss of the right to study.

In case of significant default, the course participant may be deprived of the course place. In such cases, AOF reserves the right to terminate the agreement. In the event that the agreement is terminated, the participant must still pay compensation corresponding to the remaining part of the total course fee.

Late payment results in claims for late payment interest and penalty fees in accordance with the Late Payment Act and the Debt Collection Act with regulations.

If the course fee has not been settled at the end of the course, AOF reserves the right to withhold course documentation.


At upper secondary school level, the county municipality is responsible for the private examination and accepts registration for the examination. It is the participant’s responsibility to sign up for the correct exam. The participant is responsible for paying for the cost of the exam to the county municipality, because the exam is not included in the course fee.

Payment terms

The participant is responsible for paying the entire course fee before the end of the course.

For participants who wish to pay for the course by instalments, the installment supplement is NOK 50 per installments. AOF reserves the right to regulate the monthly installments. All course fees for the current semester must be paid before the start of the new semester.

Course materials and exam fees are not included in the course fees.

After signing this contract, the participant will receive an invoice with an advance on the course fee of NOK 2,500, for courses with a fee of over 5000 NOK. The advance will be deducted from the course fee upon first payment. If the credit assessment shows that you have payment complaints, you may have to pay an advance on the course fee of 5,000 NOK. This advance will be refunded, if the participant has withdrawn in accordance with the aforementioned right of withdrawal act or the special right of withdrawal provision for education over 2 semesters or more. The advance will also be refunded if all courses or educations in which the participant has received a course place are canceled by AOF.

If the course fee is to be covered by a third-party, the participant is responsible for providing written documentation of this. Third party payment does not, however, exempt the participant from financial responsibility.